Sustaining anything in Silver Springs is a challenge, close to impossible. The summer is hot, the water sparse and the wind fierce. The winter is cold, the water sparse and the wind fierce. The seasons in-between are fleeting at best. Despite all obstacles, pioneer spirit is alive and our community survives, often thriving.In March, our local library hosted a sustainability workshop and residents gathered to chat about chickens, bees and gardens; the room buzzing with interest. We took in all the info, paying special attention to the presentation by Debbie Gilmore, Yerington's third generation resident beekeeper and my sister-by-choice. After a failed attempt years ago, Bill and I decided to join the colony of backyard beekeepers and attend the monthly meetings in Yerington. Last Saturday, when we planned to set out the hives as our Italian bees arrive next Saturday, the wind was...yep! you got it...fierce. So much so that it was ripping roof tiles off the shed. So, I painted the hive feeders and assembled the hive bodies and frames in our living room. Andy, Debbie's honey, did an awesome job building two hive bodies and supers for our colonies, complete with a screened bottom board. Sunday is our target day, and out they'll go!
Love the stripe.
You forgot to give Silver Springs its due on sustainability. In fact all of northern Nevada deserves kudos on being able to sustain winds to the extent we see.
The joke is that somewhere east of us sucks and that makes me think of a date and honey milkshake!
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