
Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I know my ABCs, which is good because I am filing. I am walking, single file, through my house which is easy to do in a singlewide trailer, gathering papers that have no home and creating army-green recycled folders to be kept in a metal cabinet. Actually, there are three metal cabinets; one in the River Wranglers shed for RW files, one in my sewing room filled with quilt, craft, crochet and embroidery projects in one drawer and personal files in the other and the last cabinet is in the office I share with Bill. He's on top, I'm on the bottom.

Debbie came over last week to help me organize the RW files. This is a four drawer legal sized cabinet and we worked from 8 am to 5 pm. Fortunately the donuts she brought along gave us enough energy to see it almost to the end. Then the drawers, with all the files intact, sat on and under my kitchen table, waiting for me to put them in the shed. I had to take all the files out to move the drawers but on Saturday morning, that job was finished. Thanks to Debbie!

On Thursday night, after Debbie left, I began the job of organizing the files in my sewing room. Well I was really too tired after shuffling papers all day but I was relentless and ended up working until 10 pm. I was exhausted and grumpy by the time Bill walked in from his Spanish class and I admit I wasn't the best company. I worked on files through the weekend and finished up the second cabinet, pretty much. I think I have to buy another box of files to complete that job.

Now I have the office file to take care of, but really no interest in doing it, at least not right now. I want to cross "organize files" off the Blood Pressure List but I guess it's just not time to do that, yet. Perhaps this weekend, we'll see.

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