You know the expression about bad things coming in groups of three? Well I certainly had a time during the week that I was conducting camp. It began on Saturday evening at my friend Dawn's home. We were flossing our teeth. (the older we get the less inhibited we are about taking care of business) and I managed to flick my gold crown across the room! That was the beginning.

I babysat my little grandson, Dagan, after camp ended and we were walking down to Jessie's home. Actually, I was walking and carrying little Dagan in my arms. Along the road I tripped and as I slowly crumbled to the ground, I tried to shield Dagan so he wouldn't get hurt. My knee took it all and I am now sporting a scab that any ten year old would wear with pride.

The last item involved Bill and my glasses. I returned from Jessie's and soaked my knee in the bath tub. Bill was watching Dagan and came in to talk with me and sat on my glasses - popping out lenses and crushing the frame as if the glasses were made of foil. By the picture you can see they were repaired and now work just great!
I'm all patched back together now, ready to celebrate my 60th birthday this weekend. By the looks of it, the patchwork is only beginning and will be a project that I get to work on the rest of my life. Talk about a UFO, I think this is better considered an art piece in progress.
What a busy lady you are and what lucky children to have a Nana and friend as grand as you. I'm glad your "three" was not your other knee...
Just found your blog. Man, what a week that was! Thanks for babysitting D. and for sacrificing your poor knee for him.
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