A quilt made for my sister, Holly Marie. We spent the weekend in Vino Bello, Napa and I placed the quilt on the bed, unknown to Holly, before going to dinner. When we returned, it took several minutes to realize that it was there but she was so delighted. I am delighted knowing that this bright quilt will liven up her bedroom and provide a soft resting place for her naughty cat.
A quilt for sweet Riley Sophia, my great niece. I started it as a baby quilt and ended up being a third birthday gift. Featured side-ways, the quilt celebrates the importance of the ocean in her father and grandfathers lives.
Toni, a friend and co-worker, helped me put together this donation quilt for a shelter to provide refuge for women suffering domestic violence.
A quilt for my niece, Jenna Mae, to celebrate her graduation from high school. Fun quilt for a special niece.