A quilt often creates itself. That was my experience as I embarked on a quilt journey, road map in hand. I had fabric, a plan and found myself taking detours, purchasing miles of rick rack and scrounging bright orange buttons in varying sizes from all my crafty friends. The resulting quilt, reminds me of the childhood game often played indoors on a rainy day with large groups of children. All you need are willing people and a button. Here are the directions according to Wikipedia,
Button, Button, Who's Got the Button
The children all stand (or sit) in a circle with their hands out, palms together. One child, called the leader or 'it', takes a button and goes around the circle, putting their hands in everybody else's hands one by one. In one person's hands they drop the button, though they continue to put their hands in the others' so that no one knows where the button is except for the giver and receiver. The leader starts the other children guessing by saying, "Button, button, who's got the button?" before each child's guess. The child guessing replies with their choice, e.g. "Billy has the button!"
If you have the button, haven't been guessed yet, and it's your turn to guess, you choose someone else so that no one knows it's you.

Once the child with the button is finally guessed, that child is the one to distribute the button and start a new round.